Friday, February 19, 2010

Aurora Colorado Restaurant offers food to those in need and work for those who don't

Same Cafe offers organic food
to those who can't pay
and a chance to serve the community
for those who have more than enough!

Is your child in need of a decent meal?  Do you and your family eat fattening foods because they are cheap?  Would you like to serve the community and those in need?

If you answered yes to any of these questions the Same Cafe, 2023 E. Colfax Ave, Denver, Co may be the place for you!  Why?

"If you don't have the bucks don't let it stop you!"

If you are down on your luck the Same Cafe will prepare a delicious meal for a price.  How much?  You decide!  You can leave whatever you think the meal is worth.   You can even leave a little extra, if you want to give something back. 

But if you don't have the bucks, don't let it stop you!  The Same Cafe does not discriminate based upon your economic status...or any other status, for that matter.  If you and your child's bellies are empty, make a bee line for the Same Cafe!  If you can't pay much or even pay anything, the folks at the Same Cafe ask for a little bit of your time in exchange.  But if you are in real trouble and can't give anything back, don't sweat it.  Many of us have been there before.  Enjoy!

Having to admit you are in the bottom ranks of the economic ladder in front of someone while at the check out counter is a crushing experience.  There are people who will miss a meal rather than ask for help.  The SAME Cafe folks don't make a big deal out of the check at the cash register...because there isn't one!  Instead of a bill you get an envelope.  Fill up the envelope or leave it empty, your choice, and drop it into the convenient slot in a nearby box.

"Same stands for 'so anybody can eat!"

If you are in better circumstances, however, the Same Cafe is a great place to show your community spirit.  They welcome any donation, and they welcome you efforts, too! 

Same stands for "So all may eat".   Brad and Libby Birky formed SAME as a non-profit organization designed to cater to both sides of the community.   Part of the SAME concept makes dining a pleasure for those who might otherwise be eating in a soup kitchen.  It puts dignity back into dining, both for those who are desperate for a wholesome meal, and for those who want to do something for someone anonymously. 

Naturally, the Same Cafe concept is getting a lot of press.  Westword, a Denver free newspaper with it's hand on the pulse of the City, did a nice article on the establishment.  The 'One World Cafe' in Salt Lake City took two years to move into the black, according to the Desert Morning Press, but is now a model for those who want to serve the less fortunate.   The owners have formed a non-profit organization,  one world everyone eats

An on-line Time Magazine article gives us some insight on the owners of SAME:

'"Both Brad and Libby had been searching for a meaningful way to give back while making a living. Admitted volunteer junkies, they had been serving and eating with homeless shelter residents for the past eight years. "We loved the service aspect of giving to the community and attacking the issue of hunger," says Brad. "Plus we both love to cook."'

You can stay up to date with the same cafe blog.

"A child at risk is a terrible thing"

Whether or not the Same Cafe can make it during the most drastic economic times since the Great Depression is a matter of speculation.  If no one pays the establishment goes bust.  Even non-profits have bills.  The Same idea might be best described as a "hand-up, not a hand-out".  Part of their chances for success depend upon the generosity of the community.  The owners have staked a fair amount of money on their belief Denver gives back.  We hope they are right! 

A child at risk is a terrible thing.  Mothers running from abusive husbands, children who don't get enough to eat, families working at minimum wage and still not able to pay the rent, all of this in a country that has more than enough?  Sharing your good fortune with others is part of nurturing the foundation of the next generation.  It is a wonderful way to nurture yourself, as well. 
Spending time with those less fortunate than you is a good way to encourage those who have lost hope.  Children raised in poverty continue a tragic link that we must break if we are to continue as a world leader.  The Same Cafe is doing it's part.  

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

16 signs to a potentially violent student Early warning signs for teen violence

Early Warning Signs
for school violence

These are some early warning signs of a potentially violent student.  They are not inclusive.   If you have a child who is exhibiting these kinds of signs or know a student who is exhibiting these kinds of signs then it may be time to get help. 

These factors are generalized.  Most of us exhibited some of these signs when we were children.  However, a child who is showing multiple signs should be evaluated.  It is better to be safe than sorry.  One should leave conclusions about other people's children to professionals.  Any child who is making serious threats should be considered at immediate risk and assistence requested.

The warning signs are printed in a pulbication called Safeguarding our children, an action guide

  • Social withdrawal.
  • Excessive feelings of isolation or being alone.
  • Excessive feelings of rejection.
  • Being a victim of violence.
  • Feelings of being picked on and persecuted.
  • Low school interest and poor academic performance.
  • Expression of violence in writing and drawings.
  • Uncontrolled anger.
  • Patterns of impulsive and chronic hitting, intimidating, and bullying behaviors.
  • History of discipline problems.
  • History of violent and aggressive behavior.
  • Intolerance for differences and prejudicial attitudes.
  • Drug use and alcohol use.
  • Affiliation with gangs.
  • Inappropriate access to, possession of, and use of firearms.
  • Serious threats of violence (also an imminent warning sign).
There are a variety of publications on the topic of keeping our schools safe.   The warning signs are only a small part of the Safeguarding Our Children Guide by the Department of Justice.  The bulk of the guide is devoted to ways to keep our children safe, including safe schools, academics and discipline.

These are 16 warning signs of a potentially violent student.  As mentioned, the list is not exhaustive, nor is it conclusive. 

If you have a friend who is exhibiting multiple warning signs you may want to speak to one of your teachers about the behavior, or consult professional help.   These types of behaviors are generalizations that must be evaluated by a professional rather than judgments made by peers.  However, it is always better to be safe than sorry. 

Excerpts from Teen Dating Violence Adolescent Romantic Relationships

Teen Dating Violence: 
Do teens engage in date violence for the same reasons as adults?
This study will give you insight on how to handle a crisis with your teen!

Teen Dating Violence: A Closer Look at Adolescent Romantic Relationships

by Carrie Mulford, Ph.D., and Peggy C. Giordano, Ph.D.
Excerpts from NIJ Journal No. 261, October 2008

For 1 in 10 teens, abuse is a very real part of dating relationships.

Aproximately 10 percent of adolescents nationwide reported being the victim of physical violence at the hands of a romantic partner during the previous year.  Between two and three in 10 reported being verbally or psychologically abused in the previous year.  In South Carolina, for example, nearly 8 percent of adolescents reported being physically violent to a romantic partner. Interestingly, the rates of reported victimization versus perpetration in the state were similar for boys and girls.

Studies found that girls and boys perpetrate the same frequency of physical aggression in romantic relationships. This finding was at odds with what practitioners...said they encounter in their professional experience. Most of the practitioners in attendance said that they primarily see female victims.

So what is the reality?  The complex nature of this phenomenon is not fully understood. Those in the field have to rely on an adult framework to examine the problem of teen dating violence.

However, we (the authors) find that this adult framework does not take into account key differences between adolescent and adult romantic relationships. And so, to help further the discussion, we offer in this article a gender-based analysis of teen dating violence with a developmental perspective

Victims and Perpetrators: What the Research Says

In 2001-2005, Peggy Giordano and her colleagues at Bowling Green State University interviewed more than 1,300 seventh, ninth and 11th graders in Toledo, Ohio.  More than half of the girls in physically aggressive relationships said both they and their dating partner committed aggressive acts during the relationship. About a third of the girls said they were the sole perpetrators, and 13 percent reported that they were the sole victims. Almost half of the boys in physically aggressive relationships reported mutual aggression, nearly half reported they were the sole victim, and 6 percent reported that they were the sole perpetrator.

Editor's note:  Do you think the boys lied?

Who Perpetrates Teen Dating Violence?

Studies find there is mutual physical aggression by girls and boys in romantic relationships. However, when it comes to motivations for using violence and the consequences of being a victim of teen dating violence, the differences between the sexes are pronounced.  Girls also commonly report self-defense as a motivating factor, and boys commonly cite the need to exert control.  Boys are also more likely to react with laughter when their partner is physically aggressive. Girls experiencing teen dating violence are more likely than boys to suffer long-term negative behavioral and health consequences, including suicide attempts, depression, cigarette smoking and marijuana use.

Editor's note:  One would not think self defense would constitute violence, but violence is violence presumably...

Applying Adult Perspectives to Teen Dating Violence

Why do teenagers commit violence against each other in romantic relationships?  Practitioners and researchers in the field tend to apply an adult intimate partner violence framework when examining the problem of teen dating violence.

A split currently exists, however, among experts in the adult intimate partner violence arena.
  • Some experts hold that men and women are mutually combative and that this behavior should be seen as part of a larger pattern of family conflict.
  • Another group of experts holds that men generally perpetrate serious intimate partner violence against women. They contend that men in patriarchal societies use violence to exert and maintain power and control over women.
  • We believe, however, that applying either of these adult perspectives to adolescents is problematic. Although both views of adult intimate partner violence can help inform our understanding of teen dating violence, it is important to consider how adolescent romantic relationships differ from adult romantic relationships in several key areas.
How Teen Dating Violence Differs: Equal Power

One difference between adolescent and adult relationships is the absence of elements traditionally associated with greater male power in adult relationships.   Adolescent girls are not typically dependent on romantic partners for financial stability, and they are less likely to have children to provide for and protect.

It is interesting to note that adults who perpetrate violence against family members often see themselves as powerless in their relationships. This dynamic has yet to be adequately explored among teen dating partners.

Lack of Relationship Experience

A second key factor that distinguishes violence in adult relationships from violence in adolescent relationships is the lack of experience teens have in negotiating romantic relationships. Inexperience in communicating and relating to a romantic partner may lead to the use of poor coping strategies, including verbal and physical aggression.  A teen who has difficulty expressing himself or herself may turn to aggressive behaviors (sometimes in play) to show affection, frustration or jealousy.

As adolescents develop into young adults, they become more realistic and less idealistic about romantic relationships. They have a greater capacity for closeness and intimacy.  Holding idealistic beliefs about romantic relationships can lead to disillusionment and ineffective coping mechanisms when conflict emerges.  It also seems reasonable to expect that physical aggression may be more common when adolescents have not fully developed their capacity for intimacy, including their ability to communicate.

The Influence of Peers

We would be remiss to try to understand teen behavior and not consider the profound influence of friends. Peers exert more influence on each other during their adolescent years than at any other time.

Not only are friends more influential in adolescence than in adulthood, but they are also more likely to be "on the scene" and a key element in a couple's social life. In fact, roughly half of adolescent dating violence occurs when a third party is present.  Relationship dynamics often play out in a very public way because teens spend a large portion of their time in school and in groups. For various reasons, a boyfriend or girlfriend may act very differently when in the presence of peers, a behavior viewed by adolescents as characteristic of an unhealthy relationship. For example, boys in one focus group study said that if a girl hit them in front of their friends, they would need to hit her back to "save face.

Conflict over how much time is spent with each other versus with friends, jealousies stemming from too much time spent with a friend of the opposite sex, and new romantic possibilities are all part of the social fabric of adolescence. Although "normal" from a developmental perspective, navigating such issues can cause conflict and, for some adolescents, lead to aggressive responses and problematic coping strategies, such as stalking, psychological or verbal abuse, and efforts to gain control.

Editors note:  It looks like a adults act like they are kids!

Where Do We Go From Here?

Adult relationships differ substantially from adolescent dating in their power dynamics, social skill development and peer influence. These factors are critical to understanding physical violence and psychological abuse in early romantic relationships and may help explain the similar perpetration rates among boys and girls suggested by current statistics.

All of this points to important implications for teen dating violence prevention and intervention strategies. Because girls engage in high levels of physical aggression and psychological abuse and most abusive relationships are characterized by mutual aggression, prevention efforts must be directed toward both males and females, and interventions for victims should include services and programming for boys and girls. Interventions must also distinguish between severe forms of violence that produce injury and fear and other more common abuse.

And finally, research on the extent to which teens involved in abusive relationships become involved in adult abusive relationships — whether as victims or perpetrators — is sorely needed.

NIJ Journal No. 261, October 2008

NCJ 224089
About the Authors

Carrie Mulford is a social science analyst at the National Institute of Justice. She has worked extensively with research on juvenile justice, teen dating violence, child abuse, elder mistreatment, enforcement of victims' rights laws, hate crime and situational crime prevention. Since 2006, she has been the coordinator of the Federal Interagency Workgroup on Teen Dating Violence, whose members contributed to this article.

Peggy Giordano is the Distinguished Research Professor of Sociology at Bowling Green State University. Her research centers on social relationship experiences during the adolescent period, focusing particularly on studies of the nature, meaning and impact of friendships and romantic relationships.

The long form of this article is much more technical in nature.  In general, the authors ask questions that might give us pause, is teen date violence based upon the same factors as adult violence.  If we can understand why children become violent or verbally abusive we will have a better chance of helping them, and perhaps preventing their growth into abusive parents!  One thing that remains un-answered, how much does the behavior of the parent affect the behavior of the teen?  Do they learn modeling from an abusive parent?  What do you think?  Feel free to leave your points of view!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Do you know Earnest B. Gonzales of Las Cruces? Accused of sex with a minor

Earnest Gonzales of Las Cruces, New Mexico
Charged with
criminal sexual penetration of a minor

Alledged pedophile arrested and released on bond,
 Police investigating

Earnest B. Gonzales made a big mistake Valentines day. He allegedly went to the house of his paramour and got caught. The only problem is, to Earnest Gonzales, lovers comes in young packages.

According to charges filed by the Las Cruces police, Gonzales, 35, was saying good by to a 14 year old girl February 14th in the 5800 block of Stern Drive. Mom and dad were out of the house at the time. Gonzalez apparently stayed a little late and he was spotted by the girl's parents as he left the child's house, according to allegations.

Apparently, after questioning, the truth, according to Hoyle and someone else, started coming out. It is not clear who talked, Earnest B. Gonzales or the child, or whether it all a matter of speculation. No matter who spilled the beans, the girl allegedly had been having sex with Ernesto since she was 12 years old!

The Las Cruces Sun-News reported after picking the story up from a police department press release. According to the report, Ernie was arrested and charged with one fourth-degree felony count of criminal sexual penetration of a minor. Gonzales was transported to the Dona Ana County Detention Center with bond set at $5,000.

The investigation is on-going. That is a nice way of saying, if you have information on this sick relationship you should come forward. Those who remain silent for fear they are mistaken or to say they are not a "rat" are protecting and encouraging the theft of something precious: The childhood of a young girl has been robbed if allegations are true, and justice must be done.

If you know anything about a relationship between a little girl who lives in the 5800 block of Stern Drive and Earnest B. Gonzales, it is time for the truth to come out. In some of these cases the truth can set a man free. If the truth leads to proof of charges of criminal sexual penetration of a minor, then the quicker Gonzales can be isolated from those he might harm, the better.

All persons have the right to be presumed innocent unless and until they are proven guilty in a court of law. Sexual penetration of a minor is a serious charges and Gonzales has only been accused. For everyone's sake, let's hope the entire affair is a big mistake.  Pic not of suspect, courtesy of Google Images.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Dillion Montana Child pornographer meets Western justice Corey Daniel Martinez kiddie porn

Child porn gets
Cory Daniel Martinez of Dillon Montana time in the big house!

If you are after our kids you are going to prison old west style!  That is the message for Cory Daniel Martinez who was caught with 34 files of suspected child pornography.  Corey likes watching pre-pubescent children having oral sex.  And if that is not enough, he likes watching older guys do it with kids.  And if that were not enough, he even likes watching little kids in bondage.

The tragedy, of course, is Corey probably did not learn this all by himself in the 26 years he has been on this Earth.  He probably had good teachers.  What the people of Montana did, along with help from the FBI and local law enforcement, was give this young man some serious time to think about what he was doing with his life.  He can think about how his actions might be lining the pockets of scum who don't think twice about destroying the life of a 8 year old.
"with child pornography fans, the problem gets worse over time"

Corey says his porn problem started in 2005.  Somehow he decided happiness was in down loading pictures of little girls.  As usual, with child pornography fans, the problem gets worse over time.  Many who enjoy looking at pics of children move on to acting out what they see on the silver screen.

Project safe childhood gets the credit again.  Project Safe Childhood is a nationwide initiative designed to protect children from online exploitation and abuse.  It is led by the United States Attorneys’ Offices and marshals federal, state, and local resources to better locate, apprehend, and prosecute individuals who exploit children via the Internet. Report a child at risk.

Likely, Corey got caught using peer to peer file sharing, a popular technique of child porn fans.  That is what happened to Brian Paul Cossey of Kalispell, Montana. 

U.S. Attorney Cyndee L. Peterson said they found a picture of an approximately 8-year-old girl with her hands duct-taped to her ankles while being raped by an adult male and then penetrated by foreign objects on Brian's computer.

Agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement investigated that case.  They were advised of an IP address which was tracked to Cossey.  They found files previously identified as containing child pornography available for download between February and April 2008.
Article continued below
Protect your child
Click here to   
 j  o  i  n       o u r    f  e  e  d   
Montana State Prison Sex Offender Treatment
(as of July 1, 2009)

Montana State Prison has the only in-patient sex offender treatment program in the state.
  • 529 inmates have completed Phase I and II of the sex offender treatment program in the past 21 years.
  • 74.5% (394) of those have left prison.
  • 23.8% (94) of those have returned due to a violation of the conditions of their placement.
  • 2% (8) returned for a new sexually related offense.
  • The average sex offender returning to prison for any reason does so within 25 months of release.
  • 21% (155) of sex offenders at Montana State Prison have completed treatment.
  • All but nine of those are parole eligible.
  • Of the 155 inmates, 72% (112) are recommended by the treatment team for early release.
  • Two-thirds of the 155 treatment-complete sex offenders are not considered high risk to re-offend.
  • A few facts about the Montana state prison
"Where Corey is going penetration by adult males is fairly common"

The new prison where Corey will likey be a guest is at Hardin, Montana, and it is tough.  It is a state of the art prison with some special features.  There is some interesting news about the Hardin prison that might affect Corey.  Some pictures of the prison are included in this post, the picture of the inmate who has met his untimely death did not occur in Montana, but it could happen in places where violence is king and kiddie porn is not.

It all came to an end on October On October 21, 2008, when the cops broke down Corey's door. Inside his place they found a laptop computer and some disturbing images. In addition to the acts mentioned above, Corey was jacking off to pictures of little kids masturbating.  There was a picture of an adult man penetrating a child. Where Corey is going penetration by adult males is fairly common.

One day Corey will be a free man, though subject to supervision. We can only hope his short time to reflect and a program of rehabilitation helps him in controlling his impulses and protects our little ones.

Corey Martinez heard his fate on February 5, 2010.  U.S. District Judge Donald W. Molloy let the 26 year old Dillon, Montana man off with a slap on the wrist.  The fan of child pornography gets 24 months in prison, it could have been 20, a $100 special assessment, he loses his laptop computer and he has supervised release for 10 years when he gets out.  That is if he gets out.  Prison old west style for kiddy porn lovers can sometimes be fatal.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Fake child I.D. does not foil police

The Jolly Rancha is foiled! 

Dewey Nelson likes 'em young.  Well maybe he is not after our five and six year olds.  He is just as dangerous, preying upon 15 year olds. 

Dewey met his demise after meeting a girl on Myspace.  Apparently the two had on-line sex and decided they just had to meet in person.  The Jolly Rancha rented a car and drove from Hillsville, Va. to Livingston Texas to pick his little pretty up. 

The two returned to Dewey's apartment in Hillsville where the run-away stayed with Dewey for two weeks.  During her vacation in Dewey's apartment the child engaged in sexual intercourse with senor Nelson and also had oral sex, according to testimony.
"He thought oral sex was having sex on the telephone" 
Dewey later said of his confession, he thought oral sex was having sex on the telephone.  Likely, his statement was an effort to avoid confessions he made to police, but dumber people have been born.  Perhaps he was serious.

Somewhere towards the end of the two week love affair Dewey had one of those, boy-am-I-in-trouble moments.  He said he discovered the new girl in his life was not 19 as he claimed she said she was.  She was 15!  It is just as likely the two had a fight and Dewey wanted to get rid of the problem he had caused for himself.  No information suggests this, but it may have happened that way.  No matter the motive, what does a 39 year old do when he decides to return the child he has been molesting to her parents?
"Dewey played innocent after stealing the innocence of a young girl"

The truth, or a version of the truth, is usually the best way.  The family was notified, Dewey played innocent after stealing the innocence of a young girl.  Mom came to Hillsvalle to take her daughter home and end the relationship with this strange man.

Child molesters are not always the brightest people.  Dewey continued his relationship with the 15 year old.  One would think, after having dodged a bullet, Dewey Nelson would have avoided the child like the plague.  He should have been charged after his two week jaunt and was not.  Best to let well enough alone.  Not Dewey.

Nelson eventually convinced the 15 year old running away from home is what young people do. He again rented a car and headed out onto the road to pick the girl up again.  What was in the 39 year old's mind as he raced across country to Augusta, Kansas, where the family had moved?  Dewey picked the youth up and they were soon back in Dewey's apartment in Hillsvalle.
"The young looking girl living with him was his 13 year old daughter, he said"

Of course, the child was reported missing.  One of the first places to look was the strange guy who had taken the girl earlier in the year.  Nelson was prepared for that.  He had a false ID made for the young girl which he presented to police when they came knocking on the door.  The young looking girl living with him was his 13 year old daughter, he said.  He must have figured, if they would buy the phone sex is what is meant by oral sex, then the police would be duped by a fake I.D.  It didn't take long to determine the ID was a fake.  Dewey got the silver bracelets and the wayward youth got a free trip home.

Dewey pled guilty last November to two federal charges of traveling across state lines to engage in illegal sexual activity, and two charges of transporting a child across state lines to engage in sexual activity. Dewey probably figured he was going to be convicted at trial anyway.  The guilty plea would save the court time and increase Dewey's chances of a favorable sentence. 

As it turns out, the girl he met on Myspace was not the first youth he had sexually abused.  Dewey had been married and divorced twice.  In each case, he started his relationships with his wives before they were of legal age.  He got one of his wives pregnant while she was underage.

Why should we be surprised.  Dewey was also sexually abused when he was 7, a thread many child sexual abusers have in common.  Someone stole their youth and having learned the lesson well, they return the favor.  The chain of sexual abuse continues through the generations.
"The judge said society required additional protection"

When sentencing day rolled around the Judge gave Dewey a few more years than the minimum so he could contemplate his actions while living with other dangerous criminals.  U.S. District Judge Glen Conrad said he was sentencing Nelson above the mandatory minimum of 10 years because society required additional protection.

Dewey got lucky.  Extra protection for society turns out to be 3 years.  It could have been a lot worse.

"You're not the only one who has had adverse circumstances to deal with ... you just didn't react well," Conrad told Nelson. "You committed questionable acts across your adult life"

A statement from the prosecuting attorney: 

“Sexual predators like Dewey Nelson target the most vulnerable among us—our children,” United States Attorney Timothy J. Heaphy said today. “Mr. Nelson enticed a minor child to travel halfway across the country so that he could fulfill his deviant sexual desire. His subsequent attempts to cover up his crime failed, and he was brought to justice by the dedicated law enforcement team who conducted this investigation. This case shows that investigators are watching, monitoring, and moving swiftly to apprehend the criminals who lurk on the internet and target children. These cases are a priority for the United States Attorney’s Office, and we will continue to seek justice for the victims of these terrible crimes.”

Project Safe Childhood was involved in the apprehension and arrest of Dewey Nelson.  The project combats child sexual exploitation and child abuse.  It was launched in May 2006 by the Department of Justice and is Led by the United States Attorneys’ Offices and the Criminal Division's Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section (CEOS). 

Dewey Nelson faced charges of traveling across state lines to engage in illegal sexual activity, and two charges of transporting a child across state lines to engage in sexual activity as a result of the hard work of Project Safe Childhood.  Judge Glen Conrad let Dewey Nelson off easy.  I suspect United States Attorney Timothy J. Heaphy would have preferred a longer term of "protection" for the the public.  The Jolly Rancha has been foiled!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Mexian national goes to prision for sex trafficking Now he gets to be a bitch!

Mexican sex trafficker sent to pay his debt!

Miguel Rugerio better be a tough cat.  Young men who go to prision have to be.  In general, they have two choices:  Fight, or become a bitch.  I don't think I have to tell you what being a bitch means in an all male prison.

Miguel deserves to find out what it is like to be treated like a "bitch".  He sure knows how to treat young ladies like one.  Miguel was convicted today of recruiting and transporting young lantina girls to come to the U.S. on promise of a job with benefits.  In some cases, Miguel lured empovrished women on promise of marriage.  Once the bride-to-be arrived in the U.S. she had an unpleasant surprise.

Unfortunately, there was a bit of a communication gap between what the Mexican girls had in mind for work, and what Miguel had in mind.  The Mexican youths thought they were going to the U.S. to live the Amercian dream.  Even the poorest home in the U.S. can look like a palace to some impovrished Mexians.  The girls thought there would be a chance at a job, a chance to save money, to send it home to help out the family and a chance to start a family of thier own. The girls were freed in 2009.
"He put the girl to work pleasuring men in exchange for money"

Miguel had a different plan.  He put the girl to work pleasuring men in exchange for money.  In fact, the mamasita was forced to pleasure lots of men, several each night.  Seven nights per week.  No time off for good behavior.  Miguel and his buddies kept the money. 
“Human traffickers trick, lie and coerce young women into this country with the promise that they will have their freedom, and work a legitimate job," said acting U.S. Attorney Sally Quillian Yates. Read more about the original plea

Meanwhile, instead of living in an upwardly mobile household, the girls were forced to live with others in "Repulsive living conditions"  according to Sally Quillian Yates, Acting United States Attorney.

There were at least 5 girls who fell for Miguel of Miguel Rugerio's  promises.
"The sentence is gratifying given the horrible conditions the victims were forced to endure" 
“Few crimes are more repugnant than sex trafficking helpless and innocent victims,” said Kenneth Smith, Special Agent in Charge of the U.S. Immigration and Customs (ICE) Enforcement Office of Investigations in Atlanta. “This sentencing is gratifying given the horrible conditions the victims in this case were forced to endure."

According to the FBI press release, Rugrerio admitted in his plea that from July 2006 to August 2008, he conspired with others to use force, fraud and coercion to cause approximately five female victims to come to the Atlanta area from Mexico and to engage in prostitution for the financial benefit of the members of the alleged conspiracy.

The Mexican pimp also admitted to transporting a victim to other states including Alabama and Florida to engage her in prostitution. The soon to be jail bird used false promises of better lives and to lure young, impoverished Mexican women to come to the United States, knowing that he would cause the victims to engage in prostitution upon their arrival. Rugerio forced his victims to engage in commercial sex with many men per night, seven days a week.

Rugerio, 28, a Mexican national, was sentenced to federal prison today by United States District Judge Clarence Cooper on charges of conspiracy to commit sex trafficking and related immigration offenses, and of transporting one of the victims of the conspiracy, a young Mexican woman identified as “N.M.,” in interstate and foreign commerce for purposes of prostitution.

Miguel gets a short five years to swish his tush for tough guys.  After that he gets out of prision and a free trip home. 

We advocate fair immigration laws for those who are willing to come to the US and work towards a better life.  Such immigration policy should include a practical way for those seeking jobs to cross the border.  It should include a way for those who are alrady here to stay here.  It should provide a way for the children of undocumented workers the chance to go to school and improve themselves.
  "Aggressive investigation and prosecution will go a long ways"
One thing our dream does not include is luring innocent women across the border on promise of good paying jobs and a better way of life when the real plan is to enslave the young ladies in a sex business.  Rational reform will solve a lot of these problems.  Aggressive investigation and prosecution will go a long ways, as well.  Sally Quillian Yates and Charysse L. Alexander, Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney ask for information on this and other sex trafficking cases.  You can talk to them at (404)-581-6016.  All photos are from Google Images.

For further information please contact Sally Quillian Yates, Acting United States Attorney, or Charysse L. Alexander, Executive Assistant United States Attorney, through Patrick Crosby, Public Affairs Officer, U.S. Attorney's Office, at (404) 581-6016. You can contact them from this page.