Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Trucker indicted for abduction, planed to marry 11 year old Amber alert pays off!

Amber alert saves child,

11 year old girl goes home
Indictment for Texas trucker for abduction with intent to rape

After awhile, the stories about child abductions start to have a familiar ring. One ring tone we hear over and over is about the cat who picks up an under age child and takes her across state lines with the intention of sexual gratification. This case rings true to the theme, except the under-aged youth being transported across state lines was an 11 year old, not the traditional 14 or 15 year old.   If allegations are true, Elmer Zelaya-Robles from Dallas Texas, will be bending over for a brute in the big house for a long time.  Child molestors don't do well when caged with violent criminals.
A frantic call came over the switchboard at 2:30 p.m. on February 13th, 2010. The father of an 11 year old Karina Manzana-Garcia, who lives in the 400 block of 69th Place in Seat Pleasant, Maryland, called to report that his daughter was missing, indicated Cpl. Larry Johnson, a Prince George's police spokesman.

"Signs along the interstate system were activated"

An amber alert was issued reporting the child missing and providing information to media for public distribution. The report allowed regular television and radio programming to be interrupted for the announcement. Signs along the interstate system were activated. Of course, law enforcement nation-wide was notified.

One possibility was the child left with Elmer Zelaya-Robles, a family acquaintance who parked his 18 wheeler near the family home. It had been there the night before. Police were advised to be on the look-out for an orange tractor trailer.

We don’t know if a passing motorist noticed the truck and called. However, around 10:00 p.m. that night a Tennessee State Trooper found the driver of an 18 wheeler with an orange cab pulling into Love’s Truck Stop, in Jackson, Mississippi. The driver was identified as Elmer Zelaya-Robles. As the officer was in the process of questioning the driver the Amber Alert came over his radio. Elmer Fudd got the silver bracelets. Lost inside the truck’s sleeper was an 11 year Karina Manzana-Garcia.

"According to reports, he had convinced
her the two should be married"

According to reports, Elmer had wooed little karina. He had convinced her the two should be married. They had some long talks about what Elmer wanted in a wife-someone to take care of him even if she had to take care of children at the same time.  

While the child’s life was saved, karina’s innocence had already been robbed, alleged by reports in the Washington Examiner. The 11 year old tike told child services Elmer had done the dirty with her three times. Two boxes of condoms were reportedly found within the sleeper. Condoms usually come in boxes of threes and boxes of 12's.  These were probably the three to a box assortment which explains why threre would be two boxes.  

Zelaya-Robles faces a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years in prison if convicted. Additional charges may be pending.

Every man has the right to be presumed innocent unless and until judged guilty in a court of law.  The charges by the Grand Jury don't match the charges alleged by some of the reports.  The reports I used for this blog were all over the map regarding various details of this abduction.  Some said the child was returned un-harmed, while other said she was violated.  For example, a report in indicated the Karina's middle name was Elizabeth, based upon a Washington Post article. 

If found guilty then Zelaya has a tough time in front of him, as he should.  If he is innocent of the crime let's hope that is determined quickly, as well.

My message to men who keep singing the same tune:  If you mess with our children we will catch you and you will pay a high price!  Think about what you are doing before you make a mistake of a life time. If you are having trouble, get help now!  They won't do much for you if you wait and end up in prision, except mark your grave.

The indictment was announced by United States Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein, Special Agent in Charge Richard A. McFeely of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; and Chief Roberto L. Hylton of the Prince George’s County Police Department.

"This case demonstrates the heroic ability of law enforcement to make the difference"

“Nationwide law enforcement coordination, modern technology and a shared commitment to pursue criminals who prey on children contributed to the quick arrest of Mr. Zelaya and the recovery of the child,” said U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein. “Local, state and federal law enforcement quickly coordinated their efforts and within hours after issuing an AMBER alert, the missing girl was found in Tennessee. This case demonstrates both the terrible danger that sexual predators pose to children and the heroic ability of law enforcement to make a difference.”

This case was brought as part of Project Safe Childhood, led by United States Attorneys’ Offices and the Criminal Division's Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section (CEOS).  Details about Maryland’s program are available at

The United States Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein thanked the Tennessee Highway Patrol for their assistance in the investigation and commended Assistant U.S. Attorney Stacy Dawson Belf, who is prosecuting the case.

Dave Gibson from the conservative Denver rag, the Examiner, tries to turn this into an illegal alien problem starting with his title "Amber Alert saves 11-year-old girl abducted by Salvadoran national"  As it turns out Elmer Zelaya-Robles was allegedly heading for his homeland, El Salvador, when he got stopped. However, he was not an illegal alien.  He is here under full documentation.  Any monster can abduct a little child.  Putting it onto the backs of Latinos or undocumented persons is inane.

Not everyone can take advantage of the Amber Alert, a tragedy in this country.  Those who live in Sheriff "Little Joe" Arpaio's Maricopa County, in Arizona, would have to think twice about calling for an Amber Alert should one of their children be abducted.  That is, if mother, father or the child were undocumented.  Based upon the raids "Little Joe" ordered this weekend, the immigrant community has been terrorized and can't approach local law enforcement for help.  Imagine, losing your daughter and being so afraid of law enforcement you can't ask for a simple Amber Alert!

One day perhaps the leaders of this country will put a stop to abusive police tactics by rogue law enforcement.  Until then, all we can do is trust ethical law enforcement agencies like the State Patrol in Tennessee who rescued 11 year old Karina, as well as the FBI and law enforcement all over the country who work so hard to get it right.  

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